I often wonder that if we didn’t have stories to tell, would we be so determined to make a difference? Would we be where we are today?
Oddly this bothers me because of course I wish that we and our children NEVER had to endure the pain that we did. To turn back the clock; crap we would all like to have a second chance at doing it differently. I think everyone will agree that if you had a choice, the choice would be not to have had the agony, the pain, the heartache, the anger, the sadness, the tears, the frustration, the journey. But what if we didn’t. Would we be as strong, as empathetic, as compassionate, as caring, as determined to make change happen, as courageous, as understanding of others pain, as resilient, as transparent? Basically, would we care as much?
I’d like to believe that had my Journey not been what it was, I would still be where I am today. But that’s not reality as most advocates and advocacy begin because of personal painful experiences. Would Michael Phelps be an advocate had he not suffered from anxiety and depression? Would Michael J Fox be an advocate had he not had Parkinson’s at an extremely early age? Honestly i don’t think so.
So, as much as i ponder “what if,” I realize now what we WOULD’NT HAVE had we not had our journey’s.... EACH OTHER. I am recognizing the positive in the negative; the Warrior in all of us. We are all stronger, tougher, more resilient, more compassionate, more empathetic, more determined to make change happen. All because we walked down a path that lead us in the same direction, and ultimately to one another. Sure, our lives may be different had we not had our experiences, but I can honestly say I wouldn’t want mine to be any different than it is right now because you are all in it. ️